Friday, March 28, 2014

A Little Strength Training Never Hurt Anyone!

Running can become your excitement on a good day, your stress relief on a bad day, your familiar routine, and your best friend (or worst enemy) throughout your training. We live in a world built on the premise that we must spread ourselves thin to achieve all of our goals. On any given day most of us balance our work hours, family time, social commitments, and fitness goals.

For Kaitlin, with so many races scheduled to start the year, a strict training schedule, and a job with the RunningRoom that requires regular running it has been difficult to find the time for some good old Rest, Recovery and Strength Training. After the Chilly Half we were left with 6 weeks before our next race! What are we going to do with all of our spare time! Although feelings of guilt lingered during the first two weeks "off", taking the time to rest and fully recovery from gruelling winter months has changed the game! During the two weeks "off" Kaitlin cut back on km's running only a few small runs, and focused on building strength. Committing to a running focused cross training program to work on building strength, correcting muscle imbalances throughout the body, and loosening tight and damaged muscles was the key. 

After the two weeks of Rest, Recovery and Strength Training it was time to build back in regular runs with increased distance, and the results were shocking. Less pain, shorter recovery times, and way faster pace! I am a believer, and a cross trainer for life. I know runners are used to hearing people chirp about the benefits of strength training but I really am shocked with these results and with how weak I was when I started strength training. Its scary to think I can run a half marathon but can't do 10 Clam Shell exercises without nearly being brought to tears. Get to know your body, find your weaknesses and make them your strengths! You will never regret it.

Happy Running :)

Kaitlin and Melissa

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